Michigan Patients: In-person and/or telehealth options. Dr. Willar’s clinic location is in Ann Arbor, MI.
California Patients: Telehealth services only.
To get started, Dr. Willar will conduct a free 10 minute phone consultation to discuss your child’s current challenges and assess whether an intake is appropriate.
During the intake, Dr. Willar will meet with the parent(s) and child for 2 hours to learn more details about your child’s history and current struggles. Afterwards, Dr. Willar will discuss the potential for therapy with her and any other related recommendations.
If therapy with Dr. Willar is indicated, appropriately scheduled therapy will begin shortly thereafter and the discussion of treatment goals will occur in the first therapy session.
Please contact Dr. Willar regarding current rates.
Please note that Dr. Willar accepts private pay and HSA/FSA accounts, thus she considered an out-of-network provider.
Certain health insurance policies may provide coverage for out-of-network mental health services. On request only, Dr. Willar will provide you with a superbill that you can submit to your health insurance provider.
If you plan to use your insurance, it is recommended that you contact your insurance carrier prior to your first session and ask about your benefits for psychotherapy. Depending on your plan, insurance companies may reimburse 20-80% of the session fee.
Patients are responsible for the full fee in the event of a missed or cancelled appointment with less than 24 hours notice. Please be aware that insurance companies do not reimburse for cancelled or missed sessions.